The DIVINE OFFICE PODCAST Our Heavenly Patron(This web page is still under construction) Click below to listen to the Divine Office online DIVINE OFFICE 01-21-25 Tuesday Second Week in Ordinary Time (evening prayer) DIVINE OFFICE 01-20-25 Monday Second Week in Ordinary Time + Discerning Catholic Church teaching catechesis! DIVINE OFFICE 01-19-25 Second Sunday in ordinary time DIVINE OFFICE 01-18-25 Intro to the second Sunday in Ordinary Time Evening Prayer And Night Prayer DIVINE OFFICE 01-17-25 Ordinary Time, powerful Divine Office personal prayers! + We remember third century monk St. Anthony of Egypt DIVINE OFFICE 01-16-25 Ordinary Time, (and green) Divine Office morning prayer + special catechesis on Genesis with catechism of the Catholic Church DIVINE OFFICE 01-15-25 back to Ordinary Time, (and green) Divine Office morning prayer + special catechesis on Genesis with catechism of the Catholic Church DIVINE OFFICE 01-14-25 back to Ordinary Time, (and green) Divine Office morning prayer with special readings + catechism of the Catholic Church DIVINE OFFICE 01-13-25 back to Ordinary Time, (and green) Divine Office Evening Prayer please see para liturgy video for the 13th for Genesis reading DIVINE OFFICE 01-13-25 back to Ordinary Time, (and green) Divine Office Para Liturgy plus catechesis introducing Genesis DIVINE OFFICE 01-12-25 Baptism of the Lord (Christmastide Morning Prayer) DIVINE OFFICE 01-12-25 Baptism of the Lord (Christmastide Office of Readings) DIVINE OFFICE 01-11-25 Christmastide DIVINE OFFICE 01-09-25 Christmastide + brief catechesis looking at grace DIVINE OFFICE 01-08-25 Christmastide + continuing yesterday's explanation of Baptism DIVINE OFFICE 01-07-25 Christmastide seeking the Lord + great explanation of the meaning and rite of Baptism. DIVINE OFFICE 01-06-25 Christmastide + gifts of the Holy Spirit DIVINE OFFICE 01-05-25 Epiphany Sunday + "all Israel will be saved" handing on the faith exploration segment DIVINE OFFICE 01-04-25 Saturday in Christmastide + short catechesis DIVINE OFFICE 01-03-25 Still celebrating the Christmas season + the Church speaks to us about forgiveness DIVINE OFFICE 01-02-25 Still celebrating the Christmas season DIVINE OFFICE 12-31-24 Christmas octave day 7 DIVINE OFFICE 12-31-24 Christmas octave day 7 DIVINE OFFICE 12-30-24 Christmas octave day 6 DIVINE OFFICE 12-29-24 Holy Family Sunday! Christmas continues! (Day 5 of the octave of Christmas) + one of only three or four longform reflections throughout the year. DIVINE OFFICE 12-28-24 Christmas continues! Infant Martyrs Holy Innocents (Day 4 of the octave of Christmas) + The "glory of the Lord" story of the Bible catechesis answers this question - What is Catholicism all about? DIVINE OFFICE 12-26-24 Christmas continues! (Day 2 of the octave of Christmas St. Stephen, proto-deacon and first martyr) DIVINE OFFICE 12-25-24 Christmas Day Divine Office! DIVINE OFFICE 12-24-24 Christmas Eve divine office + Short seven minute catechesis Why Did the Word Become Flesh Part One (all ages) DIVINE OFFICE 12-23-24 great day of preparation before Christmas and the Christmas Vigil Mass (on the 24th) + Short five minute catechesis (all ages) DIVINE OFFICE 12-22-24 Final days of Advent (fourth Sunday) + Short seven minute catechesis (all ages) DIVINE OFFICE 12-21-24 Advent Divine Office (office of readings and daytime prayer combined) + Short ten-minute catechesis (all ages) DIVINE OFFICE 12-20-24 Advent Divine Office (evening prayer) + Short five-minute catechesis (all ages) DIVINE OFFICE 12-19-24 Advent Divine Office (office of readings) + Short Trinity catechesis (all ages) DIVINE OFFICE 12-18-24 Advent Divine Office (morning prayer) + the Parable of the Prodigal Son and great short catechesis on the image and likeness of God. DIVINE OFFICE 12-17-24 We celebrate Christmas in a few days + A great short catechesis on the inspiration and value of sacred Scripture. DIVINE OFFICE 12-16-24 We celebrate Christmas in a few days + A great short catechesis on the inspiration and value of sacred Scripture. DIVINE OFFICE 12-15-24 Third Sunday of Advent! Great readings and short form catechesis afterward DIVINE OFFICE 12-14-24 Saturday, Advent week two St. John of the Cross Divine Office + short catechesis DIVINE OFFICE 12-13-24 Friday, Advent week two Saint Lucy Divine Office + short catechesis DIVINE OFFICE 12-12-24 Thursday, Advent Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe a Divine Office ! + Special second reading and reflection DIVINE OFFICE 12-11-24 Wednesday, Advent Divine Office week two! + St. Augustine of Hippo second reading DIVINE OFFICE 12-10-24 Tuesday, Advent prepares us to meet God, God will rock the world to its very foundations! + St. John of the Cross reading. DIVINE OFFICE 12-09-24 Monday, the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception! DIVINE OFFICE 12-08-24 Sunday, second Sunday of Advent + Eusebius of Caesarea opens up the gospel reading from the Mass. DIVINE OFFICE 12-07-24 Saturday, Advent Week one + St. Ambrose of Milan a superb pastor and leader in the Church. DIVINE OFFICE 12-06-24 Friday, Advent Week one + St. Nicholas of Myra the real Santa Claus! DIVINE OFFICE 12-05-24 Thursday, Advent Week one + A process to pray with the Bible better than before. DIVINE OFFICE 12-04-24 Wednesday, Advent Week one + St. John of Damascene (optional Memorial) DIVINE OFFICE 12-03-24 Tuesday, Advent Week one + St. Francis Xavier Jesuit missionary DIVINE OFFICE 12-02-24 Monday, Advent Week one + Catechesis on the Spiritual Value of Liturgical Seasons DIVINE OFFICE 12-01-24 The first Sunday of Advent: Catholic New Year's day DIVINE OFFICE 11-30-24 The last day of liturgical year! St. Andrew the Apostle + Letter of St. Jude DIVINE OFFICE 11-29-24 Second letter of Peter continues with a reflection on the day of the Lord DIVINE OFFICE 11-28-24 Second letter of Peter continues on Thanksgiving (U.S.A.) DIVINE OFFICE 11-27-24 Second letter of Peter + homily on calling out for Christ to continue his work within you (from the Tradition) DIVINE OFFICE 11-26-24 Second letter of Peter + A written reflection from St. Augustine of Hippo DIVINE OFFICE 11-25-24 Second letter of Peter + St. Catherine of Alexandria DIVINE OFFICE 11-24-24 Jesus, the King of Kings, the solemnity of Christ the King of the Universe The moment we been building toward: DIVINE OFFICE 11-23-24 November 21, Catholic signs of the End Times catechesis + celebrating St. Clement of Rome DIVINE OFFICE 11-21-24 November 21, the presentation of Mary in the Temple in Jerusalem. DIVINE OFFICE 11-20-24 Wednesday, November 20, Office prayers for the deceased. DIVINE OFFICE 11-19-24 Christ the King in a few days + Dana's birthday DIVINE OFFICE 11-18-24 The End Is Near: the end of the liturgical year: We reflect on God's judgment on our discipleship DIVINE OFFICE 11-17-24 The End Is Near: St. Augustine preaches on readiness for Christ to come, during our office DIVINE OFFICE 11-16-24 Daniel's final prophecy + remember to pray for the deceased and departed during this month of November DIVINE OFFICE 11-15-24 St. Albert the Great: Bringing the Young Back to Christ DIVINE OFFICE 11-14-24 St. Josaphat :A patron saint of Christian reunification. DIVINE OFFICE 11-13-24 book of Daniel and St. Martin of Tours Office of Readings DIVINE OFFICE 11-12-24 Sunday: The beginning of the book of Daniel Office of Readings DIVINE OFFICE 11-09-24 A holy kingdom, royal priesthood -St. John Lateran church dedication Office of Readings DIVINE OFFICE 11-08-24 Night Prayer DIVINE OFFICE 11-07-24 1 Maccabees + St. Cyril of Jerusalem is back, teaching on the truth handed on by the Church DIVINE OFFICE 11-06-24 1 Maccabees + St. Cyril of Jerusalem on two different forms of faith in Christ DIVINE OFFICE 11-05-24 1 Maccabees + Election Day Office of Readings DIVINE OFFICE 11-04-24 1 Maccabees + St. Charles Borromeo Office of Readings DIVINE OFFICE 11-03-24 Sunday Office of Readings DIVINE OFFICE 11-02-24 Sunday vigil celebration + explanation on communion of saints DIVINE OFFICE 11-01-24 All Saints Day celebration! DIVINE OFFICE 10-31-24 Wisdom, the Image of God: Source of our Science DIVINE OFFICE 10-30-24 The Weight of Authority DIVINE OFFICE 10-29-24 The Suffering of Our Lord Foretold DIVINE OFFICE 10-28-24 celebrating the apostles. Simon and Jude DIVINE OFFICE 10-27-24 Journeying with St. Clement of Rome DIVINE OFFICE 10-26-24 Word of God, Wisdom of God, Jesus Christ This web page is under construction Learning to hear God’s word anew! Click here for resources to show you how the great saints have prayed with Scripture! (click here for PDF) Click here for Lectio Divina documents: The secret of the saints for hearing God's word (PDF) Click here for the Contemplation in Action resource (PDF) The late Pope Benedict XVI taught that this practice would result in "new spiritual springtime" for the Church.(PDF) Click here for Lectio Divina: the secret of the saints for hearing God's word (PDF) This web page is under construction